Yeah!?For real. Who is this handsome devil
Hello to you new person who stumbled across this page. Allow myself to introduce...myself. My name is Adam De Micco. Some of you know me as the guitar player from the metal band Lorna Shore, some don't even know me at all. You may be wondering how the hell did I end up here? Don't you worry anymore. Life has a funny way of presenting itself so I will clear it all up in a second.
As I mentioned I play guitar for a metal band called Lorna Shore. As a band we rip pretty hard. I do my best to rip the hardest. We released a record called 'Immortal' early in 2020. If you are interested in learning that I do have tabs available for the entire record. Yes you read that correctly the entire f*ckin' record.
Aside from being a guitar player, I love to teach. As someone who is constantly striving to learn and to be better at my craft I have found great pleasure and fulfillment of being on the other side of it. I am extremely passionate about what it is that I do and I love taking students from where they are to seemingly impossible places based off my approach to teaching. I come from experience and a perspective of "I know what it is like to be in your shoes".
So I appreciate you taking the time to read all of this.
If you can't get my sense of humor by now I don't take myself too seriously and enjoy life as it is. I care about what it is that I do and hope to connect with any and everyone however that looks like. You wish to study with me. Awesome! You are interested in what I do as a musician and want to learn the songs that I write with my band. Great! Or if you rather simply have a conversation about how I hate most condiments lets do it! I'm here for it and can't wait to meet you all.